New member? Now what?

What next?

So you’ve finished Keltys 101, had your membership interview, and joined.  Now, what do you do?  Well, we can help you out here.  We want to get you plugged into the body of Christ (and the local church body) as soon as possible.  If you are interested in serving, please fill out our ministry interest form so we can match your interest with any ministries or volunteer programs that we offer.  If you are interested in being discipled, we have a form for that too.  Fill it out and one of our pastors will contact you with more information.

Other ways to connect with the body.

Keltys Online Directory

The Keltys church ministry online app gives you access to the online church directory.  Instructions for accessing can be found here.

Keltys Private Facebook Group

Once you are a member, you can request access to the Keltys facebook group.  The members at Keltys are very committed to posting here.  There is never a shortage of prayer requests, praises, announcements, edifying links and even some humorous articles.