Imagine a new believer coming up to you and saying, “What do I do now? I want to grow as a Christian, but am not sure what to do next.” How would you counsel this person, and why?
How does God grow His church through His word? What does this look like in your own life?
How has the Lord grown you through His church? How has the Lord used you to grow others in the church? How can you grow here, meaning, how can you gather more often and more intentionally with fellow believers at Keltys to grow in the faith?
What gift(s) has the Lord given you, and how are you using those gifts to serve the church? What is the purpose of the gifts the Lord gives His people?
How does the Spirit work to bring about growth in the church?
Why is it important that we continue to grow as believers? What does this look like?
What was your biggest takeaway from the sermon?
What are some actions steps you plan to take as a result of the sermon?
How can you prayerfully apply what you learned today?