The Puritans on Pride & Humility

Thomas Watson
“Pride is a spiritual drunkeness; it flies up like wine into the brain and intoxicates it. It is idolatry; a proud man is a self-worshiper.”

“A humble soul has a low esteem of his (spiritual) duties. Pride is apt to breed in our holy things as the worm breeds in the sweetest fruit and froth comes from the most generous wine. A humble person bemoans not only his sins but also his [spiritual] duties.”

“A humble saint likes that condition which God sees best for him. (He is content where God has him) A proud man complains that he has no more; a humble man wonders that he has so much.”

“A Christian looking at his sins wonders that it is no worse with him; he does not say his mercies are small, but his sins are great. He knows that the worst piece God carves him is better than he deserves; therefore he takes it thankfully upon his knees.”

John Boys
“As death is the last enemy; so pride the last sin that shall be destroyed in us.”

John Newton
“Whoever is truly humbled — will not be easily angry, nor harsh or critical of others. He will be compassionate and tender to the infirmities of his fellow-sinners, knowing that if there is a difference — it is grace alone which has made it! He knows that he has the seeds of every evil in his own heart. And under all trials and afflictions — he will look to the hand of the Lord, and lay his mouth in the dust, acknowledging that he suffers much less than his iniquities have deserved.”

Charles Bridges
“The proud person is Satan’s throne, and the idle man his pillow.”

Jonathan Edwards
“Pride is a person having too high an opinion of himself. Pride is the first sin that ever entered into the universe, and the last sin that is rooted out. Pride is the worst sin. It is the most secret of all sins. There is no other matter in which the heart is more deceitful and unsearchable. Alas, how much pride the best have in their hearts! Pride is God’s most stubborn enemy! There is no sin so much like the devil as pride. It is a secret and subtle sin, and appears in a great many shapes which are undetected and unsuspected.”

St. Augustine (not a Puritan, but a church father)
“It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels.”