Keltys Worship Service, April 7, 2024

Chris Taylor
April 7, 2024

Keltys Worship Service, April 7, 2024

Pastor Chris Taylor

Text: John 5:17-18

Title: A Staggering Claim

Big Idea: The Son of God came to reveal God, make a way to God, and make us children of God.

1. Jesus is ______.

2. Jesus came to show us what God is _______.

3. Jesus came to make the ______ to God.

4. Jesus came to make us _____________ of God.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What evidence do we have in our passage that Jesus is God?
  2. What do we learn about God from Jesus in our passage?
  3. How has Jesus made the way to God?
  4. How does one become a child of God, and what does this entail?

Digging Deeper Question:

  1. What work did Jesus come to accomplish?  How are the Father and the Spirit involved in that work?

Application Questions:

  1. How does knowing that Jesus is God personally encourage you?
  2. How are you seeking to grow in your understanding of what God is like?
  3. Who can you tell this week about why Jesus came?
  4. What are some of the evidences in your own life that you are a child of God?  How can you grow here?
  5. Are you about the Lord’s business?  What might this look like?
  6. How can you prayerfully apply this week’s passage?