Dave Vandergriff
August 20, 2023
Keltys Worship Service, August 20, 2023
Jo Yaebeang (Missionary to Thailand) Text: Romans 1:16 Title: NOT ASHAMED OF THE GOSPEL The R […]
Jo Yaebeang (Missionary to Thailand) Text: Romans 1:16 Title: NOT ASHAMED OF THE GOSPEL The R […]
Missionary to Thailand Text: Matthew 6:5-10 Title: The Priority of Private Prayer 1. How NOT to Pray 2. What Keeps […]
Keltys Worship Service, 5-23-21 “Lose All To Gain All” Matthew 13:44-46 Jo Yaebeang Missionary to Thailand
This is a video telling about the work of Missions in Peru by the Poulin family.