Keltys Worship Service, August 15, 2021

Chris Taylor
August 15, 2021

Keltys Worship Service, August 15, 2021

Series Title: Gospel Living in a Wicked World!

Text: Philippians 1:6-8

Title: Gospel Gratitude

Big Idea: In Christ we have much to be thankful for!  

  • Gratitude for God’s sovereignty in salvation (right doctrine)

Practice Step:

  • Gratitude for fruit in gospel ministry (allegiance)

Practice Step:

  • Gratitude for Christian love (affection)

Practice Step:

Discussion Questions:

  1. Are you being held up and encouraged by sound biblical doctrine?  How can you grow here?
  2. How does vs. 6 encourage you?
  3. What is the evidence of vs. 6 in your own life?
  4. Do you long to fellowship with the body of Christ?  Why or why not?
  5. Do you share Christ’s affection for fellow believers?  How can you grow here?  Why is this so important?