Keltys Worship Service, January 21, 2024

Chris Taylor
January 21, 2024

Keltys Worship Service, January 21, 2024

Pastor Chris Taylor

Series Title: Behold and Believe

Text: John 4:1-18

Title: Living Water

Big Idea: Come to Jesus for living water and eternal fulfillment.

1. The _______ of Man

2. The _______ of God

3. The _________ of Christ

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do we learn about humanity from our passage?
  2. What do we learn about Jesus from our passage?
  3. What’s the significance of the place where Jesus was found ministering and the person He was found ministering to?

Digging Deeper Questions:

  1. What Old Testament passages help us to understand what Jesus meant by “living waters”?
  2. What’s the relationship between this week’s passage and last week’s passage (John 4:1-6)?
  3. What evidence do we have in our passage for the deity of Jesus?

Application Questions:

  1. What are some things you are tempted to look to for satisfaction other than Jesus?
  2. How might you use this passage to share the gospel with a lost friend?
  3. How does this passage help you to better follow Jesus?
  4. How might this passage inform and affect the way you pray this week?