Keltys Worship Service, March 10, 2024

Chris Taylor
March 10, 2024

Keltys Worship Service, March 10, 2024

Pastor Chris Taylor

Series Title: Behold and Believe

Text: John 4:46-54

Title: The King Has Come!

Big Idea: Behold the King and believe.

1. The _____________ of Jesus

2. The _________ of Jesus

3. The ___________ of Jesus

4. The ____________ to Jesus

Discussion Questions:

  1. Where do we see the compassion of Jesus in our passage?  How does this passage affect the way you think about Jesus?
  2. What’s the purpose of Jesus’ words in vs. 48?  How does this challenge your own faith?
  3. How does this passage uniquely highlight the power of Jesus?  How does this particular miracle affect the way you think about Jesus?
  4. What does this miracle reveal about the identity of Jesus?  Give Old Testament support.
  5. According to vs. 53, what was the purpose of the miracle?

Digging Deeper Question:

  1. Read Acts 1:8.  Recall the pattern of Jesus’ ministry from John 2-4.  What do we learn about Jesus ministry strategy in this larger section in John’s gospel?
  2. Where have we seen the relationship between the miracles of Jesus and faith in Jesus already in John’s gospel?

Application Questions:

  1. How are you currently imitating the compassion of Jesus in your own life?  How can you grow here?
  2. How are you currently trusting in the power of Jesus in your own life?  How can you grow here?
  3. How does knowing and believing that Jesus is King affect your day-to-day life?  How should it?
  4. How might you prayerfully apply our passage this week?