Keltys Worship Service, November 13, 2022

Chris Taylor
November 13, 2022

Keltys Worship Service, November 13, 2022

Series Title: Rescue: The Glory of God in Exodus

Text: Exodus 24

Title: Separation, Sacrifice, Scripture, and Soli Deo Gloria

Big Idea: God means to rule over His rescued people by His word through sacrifice for His glory.


Vv. 1-2 – Moses the Mediator for Sinful Israel

Vv. 3-8 – Covenant Commitment and Sacrifice

Vv. 9-11 – The Relational Presence of the Lord

Vv. 12-14- The Gift of God’s Word

Vv. 15-18 – The Glory of the Lord Revealed

1. God’s holiness demands a ___________ (vv. 1-2).

Practice Step: Look to Jesus!

2. God’s rescue demands _________ (vv. 3-7).

Practice Step: Come under the word of God with the people of God.

3. Humanity’s sinfulness demands a __________ (vv. 5-8).

Practice Step: Trust in Jesus as the once-for-all sacrificial substitution for sinners like you and me.

4. God’s __________ is the goal of His rescue (vv. 9-11).

Practice Step: Don’t neglect gathering with God’s church.

5. God’s rescued people are to be ruled over by His _______ (vv. 12-14).

Practice Step: Read, study, and memorize God’s word on your own and with fellow believers.

6. God’s ________ is meant to motivate and empower His people’s obedience.

Practice Step: Behold the Son of God in the word of God and by the Spirit of God be transformed more and more into the image of God.

Discussion Questions:

1. According to Exodus 24, what is God’s will for His rescued people?

2. Why is obedience to the Lord important? How are you seeking to grow in your obedience?

3. What enables us to be in God’s presence? Where else do we see this in the Bible?

4. What’s the significance of meals with God in the Bible? What do these meals teach us about God?

5. What role should the Bible play in the life of God’s church, and why?

6. Why does Exodus 24 end with the revelation of God’s glory? How does this relate to the rest of the chapter? What’s the purpose?

7. How do you plan to apply what you’ve learned from the sermon this week?